Tuesday, 17 December 2013

The Value of an Eportfolio in Online Learning

The Value of an Eportfolio in Online Learning

Eportfolio or an electronic portfolio is a primary tool for online instructors to assess learning outcome of the students. Baker (2005) defines eportfolio as “…an electronic portfolio of acquired learning – knowledge, skills and abilities acquired through formal, non-formal, informal, accidental and incidental learning.” Eportfolio approach to assessment provides the online instructors to document what the learners’ accomplish and how they are engaged in critical reflection of knowledge gained through variety of activities such as class presentation, writing reports/journals and engaging in collaborative activities. This approach not only benefits online instructors to assess and record students’ acquired learning, it also benefits students by empowering them to have control over their learning development and strategies as well as allows them to self assess and develop critical thinking skills. In this regard, Pelliccion & Dixon (2008) state:

This approach provides students with the opportunity to become stakeholders in their own progress and also provides an environment for deep learning to occur. An ePortfolio approach that spans a course of study and beyond to a professional setting allows participants to originate and maintain ‘conversations’ about their learning and by doing so they become active in formative assessment rather than passive receivers of graded results. Formative learning activities such as ePortfolios shift the focus of the traditional higher education paradigm as students are encouraged to take responsibility for what and how they learn.(p. 752)

In my experience, instructors who adopt eportfolio in their teaching assessment, create an environment for their students in a way that course content is meaningful and leads to high level of understanding while opens up possibilities for personal growth such as confidence building, team work and active-positive thinking.
Baker (2005) argues that eportfolio approach of assessment advanced from portfolio learning assessment. I was first exposed to this approach in late 1990s when I took my first Women Studies course at Langara College with an inspiring mentor, Patricia Moore. Throughout the course, the instructor used a collection of ways to assess students learning outcome. For example, instead of only relying on a mid- term or a final exam, they were engaged in different activities such as presenting on a topic of interest, engaging in group discussions throughout the course, writing summary of certain readings as well as writing a research paper. Students also were empowered to critically reflect on their learning achievements leading someone like me to be in charge of my own development. The feedback from the instructor and peers was another source of my empowerment allowing me to be aware of my strengths and weaknesses resulting in my interest to progress my higher education in Women’s Studies at UBC and achieve my BA and MA in this interesting discipline.  
According to Baker (2005), some of the advantages of a portfolio based assessment include the following:     

  •       It provides a wealth of information for instructional decisions;
  •      It allows for effective means of communicating students’ developmental status and progress;
  •       It can serve to motivate students and promote student self-assessment and self-understanding
  •      It contextualizes assessment and provides a basis for challenging formal test results that is not authentic or reliable, e.g., a single test score.

In the past few days, I learned more details about eportfolios through PIDP 4150 online course. Without any doubt I argue that the approach of eportfolio assessment is a great fit for online teaching and find this method of assessment very effective particularly for instructors who adopt experiential learning in the design and delivery of an online course. This is because similar to portfolio assessment, eportfolio approach makes learners to be more creative and more motivated to successfully finish the online course as well as it provides an opportunity to learners to self assess their learning outcomes and develop skills in critical reflection.
My goal is to teach online courses in the near future and to engage in facilitation of learning strategies which incorporate eportfolio style of assessment. I would like to finish this blog by quoting the following statement by Barker, “Future Ed is deeply concerned that there be collaboration between and among ePortfolio developments in order that this learning innovation achieves its potential for improving learning systems and promoting lifelong learning. (p. 10)


Barker K.C. (2005). Eportfolio for the assessment of learning. Retrieved from http://www.futured.com/documents/FuturEdePortfolioforAssessmentWhitePaper_000.pdf

Pelliccione l., Dixone, K. (2008) Portfolios: Beyond assessment to empowerment in the learning landscape. Conference proceedings Ascilite 2008. Retrieved from http://www.ascilite.org.au/conferences/melbourne08/procs/pelliccione.pdf

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Experiential Learning Theory and E-Learning

Sedi Minachi PIDP 4150 Dec 11, 2013

Constructivist Learning Theory: John Dewey’s Experiential Learning

Introduction: Highlights of John Dewey’s Experiential Learning

In reading about learning theories and theorists in the Online Teaching Survival Guide (2010), I
easily find myself in agreement with Lev Vygotsky’s theory of social development, John Dewey’s
experiential learning theory, Jean Piaget’s genetic epistemology, Jerome Bruner’s constructivist
theory and John Seely Brown’s cognitive apprenticeship theory. All of these theories are grounded in
the constructivist’s viewpoint and share the idea that “… learners actively construct and build
knowledge structure from the interaction of what they already know with what they pay attention to
in their environment, including language, people, and images” ( Boettcher and Conrad, 2010, p. 12).
Lewis and Williams (1994) define experiential learning theory as:
“In its simplest form, experiential learning means learning from experience or learning by
doing. Experiential education first immerses learners in an experience and then encourages
reflection about the experience to develop new skills, new attitudes, or new ways of thinking.
(p. 5)”

Although the original experiential learning theorists lived before social media and the formal
education system in their countries of origin followed traditional ways of teaching and instruction,
these theorists were far ahead of their time and challenged their educational systems by demanding
reform to the roles of learners and instructors while also calling for changes to the delivery of
instruction. The model of experiential learning or “learning by doing” (Lewis and Williams, 1994) they
advocated, was slowly introduced into the formal education system in the advanced industrial
countries where they had influence. As a result, the majority of humanity and social science faculties
adopted experiential learning model in their curriculums since late twentieth century. It is beyond
the scope of this paper to explore the strong resistance to – and backlash against ‐ adopting the new
approach to teaching promoted by experiential learning theorists in the 19th and 20th century. This
paper does, however, explore John Dewey’s experiential learning theory by highlighting the key
concepts of his theory and relating them to e‐learning model of education.

E‐learning and Experiential Learning

In applying experiential learning to e‐learning, I argue that this model makes formal education
accessible to learners globally and that learners can use it to reach their own potentials more often by
learning how to apply instruction to real life, and by engaging in a variety of exercises to build
knowledge and develop all kinds of skills. Also, in adopting experiential learning, e‐learners can apply
their academic understanding to real word situations and develop critical thinking and reflective skills
as well as strengthen their confidence to overcome difficulties and obstacles in life.
We are the first generation to use new technology which facilitates creating and connecting a
global community. Those of us aiming to develop skills to advance our careers in the global market
have great opportunities to become global educators by taking advantage of e‐learning based on the
experiential learning model. Constructivist theorist Driscoll (2000) states that learners actively process
knowledge through practical experiences and that knowledge creation is a lengthy process. Stephen
Downes, who wrote (2007) on ‘Connectivism’ as a learning theory for the digital age, argues that
“knowledge is distributed across a network of connections which makes the learner gain knowledge
through a diverse network of ideas. Wikipedia describes ‘connectivism’ as a theory of learning which
brings forward the role of social and cultural experiences in our lives. Downes (2013) further argues
that the distribution of knowledge across connected networks and learning consists of the ability to
construct those networks.

Reform in the Education System

American educator and philosopher John Dewey (1859‐1952) played a major role in reforming
the education system wherever he worked, advocating for social and education reforms in his
writings, and making him one of the influential educators of the 20th century. To me his experiential
learning theory created a silent revolution in his era. The themes of Dewey’s experiential learning are
based on education and learning as social and interactive processes, and he understood the
important role played by schools in socializing learners and creating social reform.
He believed that students should interact with the curriculum and that all students should
have the opportunity to take part in their own learning (Wikipedia). He argued that in order for
education to be effective, content must be presented in a way that allows students to relate the
knowledge to their life experiences and make connections with the new knowledge (Boettcher and
Conrad, 2010). In other words, he advocated for students to be at the center of their education by
playing an active role in gaining knowledge. According to Dewey (1897), the teacher should not stand
at the front of the classroom lecturing as students observe passively. Instead, he believed the
teacher's role should be that of facilitator and guide in the learning process. As Dewey (1897) explains
The teacher’s role is not to impose certain ideas or to form certain habits in the child, but is
there as a member of the community to select the influences which shall affect the child and
to assist him in properly responding to them. Thus the teacher becomes a partner in the
learning process, guiding students to independently discover meaning within the subject area.
This philosophy has become an increasingly popular idea within present‐day teacher
preparatory programs. (p. 4)

Non‐hierarchical approach to education

Dewey’s experiential learning theory resonates for me because I believe in non‐hierarchical
relationships between learners and the instructor, where both are active learners as the instructor
acts as a facilitator by actively involving the learners in solving problems, presenting subjects of
interest to their peers, and finding answers to their questions. When learners interact with each other
in a non‐rigid classroom setting, when learners observe information with a critical lens, when learners
are challenged by real tasks, and when learners cooperate with each other instead of competing, the
process of learning is more pleasant, rewarding and transformative – important indicators of a more
effective learning environment conducive to knowledge generation and transfer.

The role of the instructor

E‐learning instructors have the option of playing a facilitating/leading role when adopting
experiential learning. As experiential learning instructors, their role is not to transfer knowledge to
learners through lectures and expecting students to passively listen or observe. New technology
provides great opportunities for learners to connect to a variety of sources via the internet and social
media to gain knowledge and information. We can easily access the learners’ community and experts
from every corner of the globe.

The benefits of applying experiential learning theory to e‐learning curriculum design and
instruction empower the instructor to more effectively facilitate a multi‐dimensional learning
experience capable of effectively engaging diverse groups of learners by directing learners to search
for answers and apply knowledge within their own experiences. In my perspective, the role of the
instructor is to provide both course content and effective feedback to learners which strengthens
their ability to assimilate knowledge by helping them better understand their strengths and
weaknesses. Another role e‐learning instructors play is as an online community guide encouraging,
empowering and engaging learners to take greater responsibility for their own education.
Instructors adopting experiential learning theory provide increased opportunities to learners
to develop their own ideas by exploring subjects applied to real‐life situations and by interacting with
peers for collaborative group work. Engaged learners make the classroom environment dynamic and
create opportunities for them to explore their own potentials and strengths while learning new
knowledge. In this environment, e‐learners can develop critical thinking skills, and reflect critically on
different experiences while learning skills such as how to create an open dialogue with those in
disagreement, problem solving, decision making, and how to share their findings with others in a safe

The role of the learner

Great learning can happen when the focus of e‐learners is on reflecting on their own
experiences and transforming their experiences into new, useful knowledge based on their
understanding of and engagement with course content. As argued earlier in this paper, John Dewey’s
experiential theory has direct relevancy to an e‐learning/online model of learning because it increases
students’ motivation to learn and actively engage with the learners’ community. This empowers
learners to take part in discussion and play a role in solving problems. In my experience, the
experiential learning model makes e‐learners more creative and provides them with an opportunity to
achieve higher grades while advancing their expertise on the subject. In this regard, Schwartz (2007),
states: “In experiential learning, the student manages their own learning, rather than being told what
to do and when to do it. (p. 1)”


The new reality of the digital age and the advancement of new technology such as computers
and the internet changed our lives over the past two decades and revolutionized people’s
communication style worldwide. The availability of the internet provides a significant global
opportunity for e‐learners applying e‐learning to experiential learning.
John Dewey’s experiential learning theory is relevant to the e‐learning model of learning
because it gives learners the flexibility of gaining knowledge from a variety of sources. In fact, as
argued by all constructivist theorists, learning is a process and we gain knowledge from institutions,
family members, friends, media, through technological interactions, as well as through social and
cultural interactions. In applying the experiential learning theory to teaching, instructors today use elearning
to create direct dialogue between learners and their peers, as well between the instructor
and the learners, making the instructor an active facilitator guiding learners to achieve their learning
objectives in a collaborative and supportive environment.


Boettcher, J. & Conrad, Ri. M. (2010). The Online Teaching Survival Guide: Simple and Practical
Pedagogical Tools. Jessey‐Bass: Sanfrancisco

Connectivism, Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Connectivism last retrieved Dec 5, 2013

Dawnes, S. (2007). What Connectivism is. http://halfanhour.blogspot.ca/2007/02/whatconnectivism‐
is.html last retrieved Dec 5, 2013

Dewey, J. (1897). My Pedagogic Creed. Retrieved from:
7/Resources/books/readings/17.pdf last visited on Dec 10, 2013

Driscoll, S. (2000). Psychology of Learning for Instruction. Needham Heights, MA, Allyn & Bacon.

Lewis, L.H. & Williams, C.J. (1994). In Jackson, L. & Caffarella, R.S. (Eds.). Experiential Learning: A New Approach (pp. 5‐16). San Francisco: Jossey‐Bass

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Dewey last visited Dec 9, 2013

Schwartz, M. Best Practices in Experiential Learning. The Learning and Teaching Office. Retrieved from
http://www.ryerson.ca/content/dam/lt/resources/handouts/ExperientialLearningReport.pdf last
visited on Dec 10, 2013

Challenges and Opportunties of E-Learning

The challenges and opportunities of e-learning


E-learning refers to the use of computer, social media, and information/communication technology (ICT) based learning and teaching (Sangara et al., 2012). Distance education, also called e-learning, enables learners to study independently at a distance. This dynamic method of education started at the beginning of the 21st century allows students to learn whenever they have time and internet access. The result is that many students from developing countries earn their degrees from advanced industrial countries without leaving their home countries. I will discuss this relatively new opportunity later in this paper.
E-learning education is relatively new, and was adopted by Canadian educators as soon as the internet became widely accessible to learners. I took my first distance education course in sociology in 1999, and my only method of communication with the course instructor was through phone and email since webcams, Skype, Facebook and other forms of social media did not exist then. Although I mainly worked on my own and felt isolated most of the time, I benefited greatly from the course in terms of saving travel time. In addition the course gave me the opportunity to acquire more computer skills. In this paper, I explore the challenges and benefits of e-learning courses from the perspective of both instructor and learner.

The instructor based challenges of e-learning

Similar to other learning methods, e-learning poses challenges. One of the main instructor based challenges of e-learning is the expectation that the instructor should be continually available to provide assistance. For example, students having low levels of computer skills expect on-going support from the course instructor, particularly at the beginning of their course. This happens despite even after e-learning course instructors clearly state their availability in the course syllabus.
In some cases, even when e-learning course instructors create boundaries for the time spent with learners, they can automatically be drawn into dealing with students’ discussions and course related issues. As argued by Boettcher and Conrad (201), no matter how expectations are communicated regarding faculty availability, “…the default mode is twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.” (37)
What can instructors do to manage some of the challenges of e-learning?
While as argued by Boettcher (2011), setting clear expectations is a good strategy for supporting e-learners and helps to prevent faculty burnout while creating a balanced set of dialogues between faculty and learners. This also helps faculty build a high quality community of learners. Furthermore, instructors should empower learners to be independent by designing courses that are more self-directed. For example, they should encourage learners to raise their problems in a discussion forum and work with peers prior to asking the instructor privately. This method can encourage active engagement of peers while increasing cooperation among them.

Learner based challenges and solutions

For learners, time management can be the most challenging aspect of an e-learning course, as every course requires a time commitment and e-learning courses are no exception. Since e-learning courses do not require that learners meet in a traditional classroom setting, some students may wait until close to the end of the course to complete its requirements (due to employment commitment) instead of regularly working on it throughout the course. This may cause stress, burnout and a poor learning outcome.
Another learner based challenge relates to the learner’s technical skills. Some students lack the technical skills to benefit from e-learning. They for example may not be familiar with Word and Excel or do not know how to solve technical problems. The result may be an overwhelming experience when they struggle to learn computer skills while taking an e-learning course. To overcome this challenge, as suggested by Carpenter (2010), it is essential for learners to take an introductory computer course prior to taking an e-learning course. 
The learners usually work in isolation while taking any e-learning course due to the lack of face-to-face interaction with other learners and faculty. To avoid isolation, one alternative is to interact with peers and the instructor through forum discussion or social media, and to be present online whenever possible.
The advantages of e-learning over face to face learning

E-learning offers learners many advantages. As mentioned, one of the main advantages is that it gives them the flexibility to learn at times convenient to them. For example, they can fit the learning time into their schedules while working full time or part time. Another advantage is that learners do not need to travel to school and can use time they would have spent travelling learning.
Furthermore, e-learning courses are borderless and courses are accessible to learners worldwide who gain access to distant experts. This allows knowledge and information on specialized subjects to be accessible to people anywhere on the globe. For example, a few years ago, I took an on-line course which allowed me to interact with peers from all over the world. The course instructor was living in Switzerland, and learners lived as far away as Africa, South/East Asia and South/Central America.
I think we are the luckiest generation to participate in this global interaction without having to put a foot in other countries. The near-global accessibility of computers and the high speed internet has allowed teachers/instructors to be borderless and to teach remotely without being physically present in a country.
Best practices for instructors and learners to gain the most benefit from e-learning

Teachers engaged in online teaching need to be familiar and up to date with the broad selection of communications technology available to them. This method of education allows everyone to use e-communication tools such as email, Skype, Twitter and Facebook as effective communication tools without limitations. Best practices for e-learning instructors focus on course planning and management to help ensure learners meet course objectives. Course objectives should clearly state course expectations such as learners’ performance, behavior and understanding, and also how to achieve the learning objectives stated in the course syllabus. Course delivery should be smooth to create a learning community among learners without creating stress and frustration. This means that cooperative and peer learning should be encouraged and valued by the instructor at every level of the course.
Finally, the best way for learners to gain the most benefit from e-learning is to interact with peers and the instructor through forum discussion, email, Facebook, Skype and other social media tools.
In conclusion, e-learning is an ideal model of learning and achieving a degree for those who want or need flexible hours while learning from the convenience of their homes. Learners save money and time on travel expenses, making this type of education more cost effective by enabling learners to use multimedia to engage with a large, global audience while gaining access to subject matter experts communicating with them across borders. Furthermore, e-learning is accessible to learners who follow their own schedule rather than their instructor’s schedule. Finally, the other major benefit to e-learning course learners is that they can follow and repeat course work while learning at their own pace. 
The fast growing technological revolution in the 21st century has provided an excellent opportunity for educational institutions to access and engage students globally. Some of the benefits of e-learning for instructors include being able to accommodate the needs of far away students while offering them better opportunities for collaborative work among peers and between learners/instructors, and meaningful professional development. However, the most significant benefit that teaching becomes more learner-centered and based on the learner’s pace.

Work cited

Boettcher, J. and Conrad, R. M. (2010). The Online Teaching Survival Guide: Simple
            and Practical Pedagogical Tips. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco

Boettcher, J. (2011). Designing for Learning: Ten Best Practices for teaching Online.
            last visited on Nov 28, 2013

Carpenter, G. (2010). E-learning in the Canadian Post-Secondary Education System.
            Ontario Undergraduate Student Alliance.
            last visited on Nov 28, 2013

Sangara, A. & Vlachopoulos, D. and Cabrera, N. (2012). Building an Inclusive
Definition of E-learning: An Approach to the Conceptual Framework. The International